The moonlight was the only thing that lit the room. Noroi entered and Sakura followed with hesitation. He was certain the noise wasnt loud enough to upset the deep sleep of the nuns,but he kept being alerted just in case. He went past each archive and found his file in the special cases section. Sakura was taken over by curiousity and reached for her file too.
Suddenly she froze.
Noroi turned around to find her in the arms of the Head nun.He didnt even blink before she fell on her knees instantly releasing Sakura and started choking.
-'' You know..I could kill you on the instant i felt your presence..But this may turn out to be convenient for me.'',he whispered softly while smirking.
-''You demon..cease this at once..'' she began to sweat while holding her neck in an attemp to breathe..
-''Oh but it's so much fun..Like the fun i had when i first came in..The marks may have gone but i can still feell the heat on my body..I'll make you feel it too or maybe you'll be a good girl and take me to where all my money is''
Sakura stood at the corner holding back her tears..She knew this was coming but how was she supposed to feel?
-'' breath is back to normal..'' the nun slowly stood up with a scared and angry expression all over her face. She started walking down the alley towards the stairs that led to the old attic. She unlocked the door and passed through. The two of them followed her. She walked to a giant cupboard and opened it. Noroi could see the shelves filled with stacks of money.Was that actually all his..? He laughed to himself and thought that before they reached the nuns hands there was even more.
-''Do you have our papers Sakura?'' he asked but didnt turn his head an inch.
-''Yes it is all here..''she answered with an unsteady voice.
-''Good..Put the money in any bag you find inside this dump..'' he told her while keeping his eyes on the frozen nun.
She grinned her teeth together..
-''You are not going to get away with this you brats!'' she yelled at him.
-''I would not be so sure if i was in your position..You are of no more use to me now you see..How about we end your miserable life here,so noone else will suffer like i did.And with one person less there will be more oxygen for everyone dont you think..?''
She didnt have any time to answer. Her body started shaking,she hit the ground. She made pointless efforts to regain her breath. Slowly,blood began to come out her nostrills while at the same time she turned blue..
And then nothing..
Sakura quickly stepped backwards and the bag with the money fell out of her hands.She left out a soundless scream with tears running from her eyes endlessly..
-''Dont be afraid..'',he came close to her and held her for the first time since they had met. ''You are the only person i would never hurt.If anyone ever does i swear i will kill them too..Everything that happens tonight,we take to our graves.''
She started exhalling while she calmed down..He could feel her heartbeat next to his. He grabbed the bag,took her hand and run towards their dormitory. She had never seen him run like this before.It was as if he was chained throughout all of these years and now he had finally been released..
-''Gather up your stuff we are getting out of here.'' he said.He was smiling.. She could see it was an honest smile,a childish one,a smile of happiness and relief. She put the envelopes in her luggage and followed Noroi outside..
She told him she knew the location of the nearest train station..It took them an hour to reach it on foot but they didnt mind long distances. They reached a deserted platfrom in the end..The station master informed them the train would come first thing in the morning. They sat next to each other on the edge of the platform..
-''Can you give me the envelope now?''
Sakura took both out..Noroi opened his without a minute of delay..
St.Mary's Christian Orphanage Registration
Special case file no.399
Name: Kiri Noroi
Date of Birth: December 31,1992
Date of admission: January 1,2000
Parents/guardian status: deceased
Escort at admission: Sairento Rara
Current Location of escort: uknown
Notes: Caution.He is a devils child.Treat appropriately.
(to be continued...)
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